Saturday Link Love: Season 2, Ep 12
Can it pleeeeeeaaase be summer already? I really don’t have any right to complain since my winter is a lot more mild than the snowpocalypse some people get, but I…
Can it pleeeeeeaaase be summer already? I really don’t have any right to complain since my winter is a lot more mild than the snowpocalypse some people get, but I…
So. Much. New stuff. Photos are starting to show up around the web of summer collection stuff, and it’s making me seriously eager to check it out. Beautezine has photos…
It’s the weeeeekeeeeend – finally! I’m kind of counting down to when it warms up to a reasonable temperature here. We’ve had more snow this year than usual, so I’m…
This has been a hectic week (evidenced by the fact that I’m a day late on my link roundup) so I’m looking forward to lounging around all day, reading the…
Apologies for being a bit slow on the posting this week – my family and the husband’s both live about halfway across the country, so we only get to see…
It’s almost that time, folks! This time of year always seems to get a little bit crazy whether you celebrate the holidays or not. Crowded stores, crazy lines at the…
Lots of good stuff this week on the blogs! Go read it! The Non-Blonde has a really though provoking post about sponsored content; definitely one of the best posts of…