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Spotlight: Dior

[cf-shortcode plugin=”acf” field=”affiliate_link”] It’s that time again! Meaning, of course, that time where I dig out everything I own of one brand and then tell you about it. Up today:…

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Sephora 4x points event haul

[cf-shortcode plugin=”acf” field=”affiliate_link”]   Products: Bumble and bumble Pret-a-Powder Hourglass Ambient Lighting Powder, Luminous Becca Mineral Blush, Lantana Hourglass Illusion Hyaluronic Skin Tint, Sand It Cosmetics Feel the Moment Primer…

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Spotlight: Chikuhodo

[cf-shortcode plugin=”acf” field=”affiliate_link”] You may or may not know this about me, but I’m a brush addict. New brush series? I’m checking it out. New brand? Holy shit, you can…

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