Weekend Reading #25
Remember last week when I mentioned the new Tom Ford foundation? Well it’s already out, and the Beauty Look Book has swatches of each shade. I’m looking forward to the…
Remember last week when I mentioned the new Tom Ford foundation? Well it’s already out, and the Beauty Look Book has swatches of each shade. I’m looking forward to the…
[prsample] Is it insane that I just got back from vacation about 12 milliseconds ago, and I’m already planning for my next trip? Insane or not, it’s true – I’ll…
Yup, you read that right! I got SO behind on videos, but I didn’t want to skip them entirely, so here ya go! July favorites will be coming up soon!…
The last two weeks, man. Crazy! We had a fantastic vacation in San Francisco, which mostly consisted of 12-hour+ days packed with fun activities, and then this week we’re checking…
Welp, I totally thought I’d be able to keep up with posting while I’m visiting San Francisco – and it seems I’ve overestimated myself! I’ve been totally beat every night…
Yup, still getting caught up from last weekend. I used bright lipstick on Monday to make myself feel better about going back to work after the holiday. It worked. Sort…
[cf-shortcode plugin=”acf” field=”affiliate_link”] There are some mornings – ok, a lot of mornings – when I’m in a rush or too tired to think about what makeup I’m putting on….