What happened to A Different Face? Announcing Lipstick Latitude
Have you been noticing all the little changes creeping into the blog lately? Back at the beginning of the year I updated the website with a new theme. Then a couple months ago a new Travel section made its way onto the nav bar. So now, right after the 4-year anniversary of this little site, I’ve decided to go full steam ahead with the biggest change of all. Yes, I’ve renamed the blog. Why, you may ask? I’ve been on the fence about it for a while, but the thing that finally pushed me over the edge was laughably simple:
I need to get business cards.
Lately I’ve overcome my social awkwardness enough to go to some local networking events and gone to a few store openings here in town. Naturally, I made myself look like a total noob by not having business cards ready to go. So I kept sitting down to design them, and eventually decided one reason I’m having so much trouble with it is I didn’t feel like the name fit well anymore. Like most people, I started my blog as a hobby, without a lot of planning. It’s still a labor of love and more of a side hustle than a job, but over the past four years it’s grown up a bit and outgrown the original name in the process. It started out because I just really like beauty products and didn’t have many people IRL to talk about them with at the time. But as much as I love doing reviews (and trust me, I don’t plan to stop!) over time I’ve decided I really enjoy helping people find new products & things to do. So yeah, that still means testing out the latest and greatest moisturizers to let you know the pros and cons, but I also want to talk about other stuff too. Like the best places to shop in Madrid, or how to go on a week-long vacation without toting around 75lbs of luggage, or how to add your own personal touch to your home without a complete remodel (hint hint: upcoming series!).
That’s all a long way to say I feel like Lipstick Latitude as a name is more in line with the direction I want to take the content here. I also think it’s a little more punchy and fun 😉 So don’t worry, I’ll still be delivering your beauty fix, just along with other ideas to (hopefully) make your life a little more awesome in other areas too. As always I’m open to suggestions and requests, so if you have ideas for posts you want to see or questions you want answered just lemme know. Same if you notice anything wonky with the website since the move!
Now back to those business card designs…..
Many thanks to Ciara from Pretty Strange Design for the custom handlettering
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