On current events


On current events

Ever since I started this site – nearly four years ago at this point – I’ve had a pretty strict personal policy to stay away from politics & current events. After all, I write mostly about makeup and skincare. Not that the things going on in the world aren’t relevant to that (consider the proposed ‘vanity tax‘ in the Philippines, or the push to ban microbeads in skincare) but it’s one of those topics that we can enjoy regardless of whatever other differences we might have. On top of that, I know beauty chat is a much-needed reprieve for me and a lot of other people from what feels like a constant barrage of bad news. So for those of you clicked this post expecting something a little bit lighter than what you’ve been seeing in your facebook feed, I apologize. So many people have spoken much more eloquently than I can about all the ways the actions of the Trump administration and the Republican party are despicable, but this is so important I feel the need to add my voice to theirs anyway.

The things we’re watching happen in America right now are not normal, and they are not right.

Like anyone, the list of social, economic and political issues that I care about is long. There have been laws and policies I’ve disagreed with. I’ve been worried, and angry, and outraged, and hurt. When you have any large group of people they’re going to have different opinions, and be emotionally attached to them. That is normal. But underneath the hurt and anger and worry I’ve always been confident that as a nation we’ll eventually come together and do the right thing, that we’ve learned from our mistakes, that even though things are far from perfect we’re not on a sinking ship. Over the last couple months, and especially the last two weeks, I no longer feel that confidence.

Sure, the ideas aren’t new. Fearing and scapegoating people who are ‘other’. Denying women choices about their own healthcare, whether that’s by passing laws or limiting access/funding. Putting greed before, well, before everything – humanity, compassion, the future of the planet itself. So for all the people taking to the internet saying ‘you’re overreacting’ I see where they’re coming from, because we’ve heard it all before. Even right now, halfway through a post that’s taken days to write, I wish I were overreacting. That things aren’t as bad as they look. Because right now, from where I sit, it looks bad.

I won’t recap all the horrible, awful things that have happened since January 20th because again, others have written about this with much more eloquence and expertise than I can. Instead, I’ll point you to an article by Yonatan Zunger that captures a small part of why I feel like we’re watching democracy break down in front of us – but keep in mind it’s three days old and the bad news hasn’t stopped. I’ll also say this: it’s too late to take the ‘wait and see’ approach. We’ve seen enough at this point. Right now I’m feeling a little bit overwhelmed (can you tell?) but I’m trying my best not to let myself get numb to it all. Stay outraged. Call your representatives. Attend protests. When you see a company standing up for what’s right, vote with your dollars. Donate to the ACLU. Hell, just hug someone you don’t see eye to eye with. I don’t have the answers, but I’m hoping it’s not too late to fix this.

For now, I’ll leave it at that. Your regularly-scheduled makeup news will be back shortly, but for everyone who’s also feeling uncertain, confused and hurt right now, please know I’m thinking of you.



  1. shivalingam

    February 2, 2017 at 9:30 am

    Upon reading your assessment of current events, I want to tell you to go outside and look around you. If you can’t see how Trump was voted in, you’re truly in denial. None of your aforementioned rights for abortions, OCP’s, or LGBTQ have been trampled. In fact his whole mantra has been to keep America safe, and the travel visa pause–yes it’s for 90 days–is to rethink the vetting process from countries that are failed states, the chief export from these nations being knifers and suicide bombers. Orlando, San Bernardino, Ohio State, Boston marathon etc. (yes the Boston bombers were Russian but even the Russians told us they were bad guys and we shouldn’t take ’em–but we did anyway). Syria is a mess and not our problem, we have enough of our own. These people do not respect women or gays and they come here mooching off our largesse. Meanwhile if you run an ice cream stand in Kentucky you have to pay every tax and license under the sun for–you guessed it–the welfare state, so the world can come here and get everything for free while we slave away and work 15 hr days to pay the bills. When enough gets taken from you, you revolt, as the USA did on Nov 8. Feelings have nothing to do with this. We needed our sovereignty back. Here’s an excellent article by a woman with a brain (who you probably hate) but which says it all–

    1. Nikki

      February 2, 2017 at 1:03 pm

      We can agree, at least, that one of the most serious problems in this country is it’s becoming more and more impossible for the average person here to make a living – anyone who works full time (or more) shouldn’t need to wonder where their rent money is going to come from this month, or have to skip meals so their children can eat. But to blame immigration for that problem – instead of the obscene wealth inequality in our country, or the fact that corporations can buy friendly politicians to make laws to benefit their pockets instead of the people – is the precise attitude I’m talking about here. If you want to see where the things being taken from you are going, start in board rooms.

      For those keeping track of actual facts at home (not alternative facts) I’ll add that the Orlando shooter was an American citizen. So was one of the San Bernardino shooters (the other was from Pakistan, a country not part of the recent executive order). Let’s also not forget the tragedies in Roseburg, Oregon, Colorado Springs, Charleston, Newtown, and a host of other atrocities that have committed by US citizens on our own soil. No country, religion or race has a monopoly on hate and to try to act otherwise makes none of us any safer.

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