
New (Internet) Stuff: Skincare-addiction.com and Savvyist.com

I don’t normally post too much about websites, because there are two assumptions I’m working with here – a) that you’re more interested in pretty makeup and b) that you have a strong grasp of how to use google. I keep a bit of a blog roll in my sidebar that has some of my favorite bloggers in it for your reference, but two new sites have launched recently that I think you just really need to know about.


SavvyistSavvyist is an online beauty community that offers product reviews, looks that cross-referenced with products, and swatches, all in one place. Which is all pretty awesome, of course, but it also has one feature that I’ve never seen anywhere else – a ‘guru match’ tool. If you’ve ever wanted to find a beauty blogger/vlogger who has the same skin type, coloring or even similar eyelids, this is for you. There are over 200 bloggers in the database already, and they’re still adding more. I’m excited to see how it shapes up as more people post their products and face of the day.



Skincare Addiction

This site was built by some of the folks over at the SkincareAddiction community on reddit. They know their stuff over there – no pseudoscience allowed. Some of the moderators and most active users of that forum have pooled their skill and knowledge to create skincare-addiction.com, a resource for scientific information about – wait for it – skincare. It’s still growing, but it already has information on skin types, recommended routines and in-depth information about beneficial ingredients (with citations, I might add). Their blog has some great info too, and it doesn’t hurt that they’re much funnier than I am. These ladies walked me through basic acne troubleshooting, convinced me to see a dermatologist when that didn’t work, and gave me all the science I needed to fix up the lingering problems like hyperpigmentation. Basically they taught me everything I know about skincare, and it’s made a huge difference to my face and my self-esteem – no seriously, check out my skin a few years ago versus a couple months ago:

Skincare-Addiction Before & AfterI give them full credit, and trust them entirely. Use your brain to help your face, indeed.

1 Comment

  1. Frances Yun

    October 22, 2014 at 11:43 pm

    Thank you so much for sharing us Nikki! We’ll be adding more filter options to the Guru Match tool based on all the great feedback we got (like hairtype, face shape, skin undertones, and more) after we do some more research :D. Thanks for keeping us in mind as we grow!

    Your skin transformation is amazing btw! I didn’t know Redditors made Skincare Addiction — that’s so awesome. Reddit has such fantastic beauty communities. I’ve also used acne.org for acne issues, but it looks like you don’t need it anymore.

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