Features, Travel

Travel itinerary: next up, Las Vegas


Aria Las Vegas

Is it insane that I just got back from vacation about 12 milliseconds ago, and I’m already planning for my next trip? Insane or not, it’s true – I’ll be going to Las Vegas in early November, and I absolutely can’t wait. Granted, it’s not actually a vacation this time since I’m going for a professional conference – but that doesn’t mean I won’t be having fun anyway. I personally think we should pass a law requiring every work conference to be held in Vegas, don’t you?

The last time I went to the conference they had it at the Aria, and lucky for me, it’s there again this year. So far I’ve only stayed at two resorts in Las Vegas, the MGM Grand and the Aria, and the Aria is by far my favorite. Not only is it absolutely gorgeous, it’s literally right next door the Shops at Crystals – which is basically all the best designer boutiques under one roof. Seriously, take a second and peruse their store directory. Convenient for me, for my wallet – not so much. As usual I’ll probably pick up a couple things, and do a LOT of trying things on, you know, as research.

Aria Las Vegas HazeOne thing we missed out on last time was going to Haze, which I’ve heard some good things about. I can’t remember why we didn’t go – I think maybe we were seeing Hoover Dam or something. In any case, I’m looking forward to it because you see, we don’t really have a ton in the way of clubs here (or much inclination to go to the ones we do have). We’re definitely planning to make the most of the opportunity, so I’ve been brushing up on my rarely-used “going-out” makeup skills.

Aria Las Vegas FOTD

Aria Las Vegas FOTDFrom my past trips, I know that between work, eating and doing stuff I won’t have a ton of time to spend on getting ready, so for this one I picked a pretty basic look that I can wear to conference sessions and then just add a few little touches for the evening.


  • Rouge Bunny Rouge Metamorphoses Mattifying Primer
  • Armani Master Corrector in Pink
  • Rouge Bunny Rouge Luminous Skin Wand in Orionis
  • Hourglass Immaculate Liquid Powder Foundation in Natural – normally I wouldn’t wear this in November, but it’s my go-to for anytime I suspect I might get sweaty
  • Hourglass ALP in Incandescent
  • Hourglass ALB in Diffused Heat
  • Surratt blush in Grisaille
  • Guerlain Meteorites in 02 Clair


  • NARS Smudgeproof Eyeshadow Base
  • Tom Ford Silvered Topaz quad (using the matte/shimmer shades for daytime, at night – just add glitter)
  • Surratt Relevee mascara
  • Ardell Lashes in #110 (just pop them on after work)
  • NARS Brow Perfector in Suriname


  • Givenchy Le Rouge in Rose Budoir

I’ve also been testing out the hair extensions that were sent to me by Irresistible Me – I guess if there’s anywhere that fabulous hair is called for, it’s Vegas! Getting the extensions to blend in with my hair has been a little, shall we say, challenging but I think I’m starting to get the hang of it. Stay tuned for a full review!

Aria Las Vegas FOTD


Resort photos courtesy of vegas.com



  1. Chelle

    July 31, 2014 at 10:44 am

    Oh WOW! You look STUNNING! I’d say your going out makeup skills are well accomplished!

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